View pics from the trip here.
It was a trip I was looking forward to for weeks. After four months of solo travel through Australia and Tahiti, I couldn't wait for a laid back escape mission to the island of Savaii, in Western Samoa, with my long-time wingman Jake, and his partner Sandy.
Leaving the cold, schizo, sun-starved New Zealand winter behind for a week was all Sandy could think about, but Jake and I were fixated on an impressive set of storms developing in the Southern Ocean off the South coast of N-zed.
Jake was calling for a moderate south swell to arrive midway through the week, with a much larger and substantial pulse near the end of our trip. You couldn't ask for a better outlook, and it turned out to be a pretty accurate forecast.
We enjoyed a week of head high, offshore, mechanical left and right barrels with just the two of us to share the fun. The big pulse showed up a day late as we were flying back to New Zealand, and tempting as it was to change our return date, in the end we let the ocean do it's thing and stick to our original plans.
Sometimes it's better to be content with what you have, and let mother nature run it's course. You can't always have it all.