The contest is on hold this morning with a 9am call at Kirra. Conditions will be assessed and one of the 3 points (Snapper Rocks, Greenmount, Kirra) will be dubbed to hold center court to the quarter final action.
The second half of round 3 was held yesterday in building ESE swell, at Snapper Rocks, with no major upsets.
The buzz on the beach is the much hyped Dane Reynolds air show that comes to town whenever he paddles out. He's posted the two highest contest scores and the only perfect 10 with his laid back, no worries attack on unsuspecting wave sections.
In his heat against focused Hawaiian, Roy Powers, you could feel the hair raising on the backs of the tour veterans necks, as Reynolds casually huck'd a massive air reverse, where most would have opted for a safe power carve to appease the judges.
The fault line has cracked, and the tremors could be felt when judges rewarded his no regrets style with a 9.4 score, on a wave with only 2 maneuvers, and half as long as Powers previous contest safe textbook 8.77.
Good on ya' Dane. What most fail to realize is that a fall by Reynolds, and he's packing bags. I doubt he'd be crying, more time to crush brew, or go free surfing, or paint.
Precisely what the top pros fear. A mega-talented dream spoiler, dropping a shaka as he floats air 2 feet above. Reynolds would rather set his fins free and show the people on the beach what they came to see. Progression.
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